Having paddled here, there, and everywhere, Carolyn Dowd comes home to lead kayak tours all around the Vineyard.

Tom Dresser

Each August, a very small fireworks company shoots a very big show over Oak Bluffs.

Tom Dunlop and Tom Flynn

(And Marty Nadler’s favorite snappy answers.)

Croquet – considered risqué in the nineteenth century and snooty in the twentieth – retakes the field on the Vineyard (and welcomes all comers) in the twenty-first.

Jim Kaplan

Minding his own business.

Mike Seccombe

Executive Director of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.

Kate Feiffer

A 22-year-old native of Chappaquiddick, serving as second mate aboard the traditional schooner Pride of Baltimore II, sails across the Atlantic for the first time in her life.

Lily Morris

The Franklins, who run Vineyard Photo, keep a project in motion at home.

Margaret Knight
